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Gabriela Belchior

Welcome to the purest essence of me: communication.

Black Friday and the Importance of Conscious Consumption

Black Friday, the annual American event that happens after Thanksgiving, has become one of the most anticipated dates of the year for both sellers and consumers. With significant discounts and promotions, Black Friday is one of the busiest economic Fridays worldwide. However, along with the shopping opportunities come reflections on the impacts of excessive consumption and the need to adopt more conscious practices.Retailers and brands invest in advertising campaigns with an appealing tone to at...

Elections: How To Deal With Candidates While Interviewing Them?

With the municipal elections in Brazil and the upcoming election in the USA, a great way for you, a journalist, to improve your interview techniques is by analyzing the current state of journalism and how it has been evolving in light of recent events.Nowadays, social media, the internet, and television have become the new platforms for election campaigns. Bombarded with information, interviews, and proposals, candidates are showing a different side than what we have traditionally seen.In most c...

"É preciso falar”: casos de estupro no futebol chamam atenção pela forma como repercutem na mídia

No primeiro trimestre deste ano, casos de estupro no futebol marcaram os espelhos dos principais jornais do país. Em março, o ex-lateral Daniel Alves, que atuou por equipes como São Paulo, Barcelona e Seleção Brasileira, e que desde janeiro de 2023 estava preso, deixou a prisão na Espanha após decisão da Justiça que, em maioria, aceitou soltar o ex-jogador enquanto a defesa aguarda a sentença definitiva. A liberade provisória só foi concedida mediante pagamento de uma fiança de 1 milhão de euros...

Inspired by the Olympics? Here are 5 easy sports to start getting active

From the simpler ones, like running, to the more difficult and extreme ones, like surfing and skateboarding, the Olympic sports became part of our daily lives during the intense weeks of Paris 2024. From mere spectators, we became commentators of every game, knowing all the rules, schedules, and programming.Even if you’re not training to compete in Los Angeles 2028, there are still some easy sports for you to stay healthy and make your Olympics obsession live inside you a little longer. So, here...

Nova sala de aula? TikTok vira ferramenta de estudos entre jovens

A famosa expressão “dá um google” está entrando em desuso com o crescimento do TikTok, aplicativo que oferece vídeos rápidos, curtos e, agora, conteúdos informativos. A rede cativou a geração Z pela praticidade e se tornou uma tendência no universo digital. Com livre acesso de postagem e cadastro, ela abriga variados assuntos, inclusive educativos, além de possuir diferentes ferramentas, como a aba da “lupa” para pesquisa. Pesquisar no TikTok é fácil, dinâmico e a resposta é dada em vídeo, o que...

Body Standards: Are people actually focusing more on health than looks?

The growing appreciation for a healthy lifestyle is an expanding topic, especially in the media. The impact of this discourse has been taking a significant place in our daily lives, compelling us, even intrinsically, to have a healthy appearance and bodies that follow a certain standard. Surprisingly, this trend has caught on and is beneficial for those who choose to follow it. However, an old discussion and a paradox about this topic resurface: the relationship between health and aesthetics – w...

Joca Case: What Are the Rules Regarding Animal Transportation on Planes?

Last month, another tragedy involving pets in airports occurred. The victim was a 4-year-old Golden Retriever dog named Joca. João Fantazzini, the owner, had purchased a ticket from Guarulhos (SP) to Sinop (MT) – where he intended to pick up the dog. However, Joca was mistakenly transported to Fortaleza (CE).When João found out, he returned to Guarulhos. GOL, the airline responsible for the failure, then sent the animal back without any veterinary evaluation, food, or water. When the owner found...

'Nem oito nem oitenta': como funciona a educação positiva?

A forma não punitiva de educar tem ganhado grande repercussão na mídia, escolas e famílias pela quebra de padrões que ela causa. A famosa frase: “apanhei e não morri” vem sendo refutada por especialistas e comprovada por responsáveis que praticam a educação positiva com seus filhos.
A educação positiva é uma maneira não punitiva de criar crianças, proporcionando um melhor relacionamento entre pais e filhos. Essa forma de educar une os pilares de respeito, empatia e autonomia para que os educador...

Our collective obsession with nostalgia - or is it a creativity crisis?

Animated movies turned into live-actions, sequels, soap operas, remixes, songs, books, clothes, and fashion… Is this all about a longing for the golden era of the best of culture that we miss or does this generation doesn’t know how to produce things like old times?Passing through a throwback loop in every kind of content, the flashback goes from series evoking the 80s, like Stranger Things, to the dreaded low-rise pants of the 2000s.Novels like Pantanal, Elas por Elas and Renascer are reinterpr...